We all know that protein plays a vital part to our health, without it we wouldn’t be able to function properly. You wouldn’t be able to concentrate or remember things so well, you’d most likely have mood swings, your blood sugar levels would be all over the place, you’ll feel fatigue, have a hard time […]

What Plant Foods Are a Good Source of Protein?

Is A Chocolate Cake Healthier If Fruit Is Added?
If you’re given time to think about it, I’m sure you would work out that a slice of chocolate cake is not made healthier by adding fruit. The chocolate cake still has the same amount of calories, in fact you’ve increased the calorie count by adding the fruit. But your brain does not always work […]

What Makes A Healthy Well Balanced Diet?
When it comes to healthy eating, we all have our own interpretations of what makes a healthy well balanced diet, and to be fair there is no real right or wrong way. Well that’s what I think anyway. It’s what works for you. For some of us following a low calorie, low fat read more

Lets Fight This Weight – Full on Together
Hey peeps I know it’s been awhile since I wrote on the blog… I’ve been lazy, I’m not going to lie to you, I got distracted, still that’s No Excuse! I am responsible for my actions… And at the end of the day I still want to lose weight, so I’m climbing back on the […]

Hitting The Pavement
Well the snow has finally departed and we are welcomed with the wind and rain. It’s not very nice out but I’m not gonna let that get in the way of me having a good week. The weekend was over before it even started but with the onset of a Monday morning I was up […]

Dealing With The Cold
Really, has it been that long? Almost 2 weeks since I last wrote a personal blog post. So how are you lovely people keeping, are you enjoying the snow if you’ve had any? With the plummeting temperatures I have found it very hard to keep on track. Exercise has slowed somewhat too, although the kids […]

Natural Remedies For Weight Loss
As a dieter you are always on the look out for natural foods that contribute to your weight loss. If you keep the calorie count low and exercise often you will reach your weight loss goal eventually, but it’s always a bonus when you can add natural foods to your diet that will help you […]

6 Vegetables That Are Great For Weight Loss
Eat your vegetables they are good for you. How often have you heard that? I bet ever since you were a child, and I bet you’re now telling your children the same. We all know that vegetables are good for us, it’s been drilled into us our entire lives. But when you’re trying to lose […]

Eat These Foods To Restart Your Health
It’s week three of the New Year and for most of us the festive season is nothing but a distant memory. Life is now back to normal, or is it? If you are one of the many that chose to over indulge on alcohol and fattening foods during the festive season, you might still be […]

Another pound down
It’s been a few days since I last blogged, so how are you guys doing? This week has been bit of a hit and miss for me. I have stuck to healthy eating and exercising but haven’t been feeling 100% myself. I was hoping to do you a post on clean eating but, decided that […]

Surviving the weekend
Well with the weekend finally out the way, kids back to school and routines being restored its 100% focus back on ME hehe. If only life was that simple. Saturday night’s treat meal was well and truly received with great satisfaction, although I enjoyed it, it’s not how I want to be eating every day. […]

The First Weigh In Of the New Year
I’m not sure if it happens to the most of us or just me but the days leading up to weigh in day I dread. Regardless of whether I have been good or not you just don’t know what to expect, and especially as Christmas and New Year’s eve has just ended. Well on this […]

Feeling The Pain And Feeling Good
It seems like we have only just finished the weekend and again its almost Friday. It’s the weekends that I find the hardest especially with having an early Saturday morning weight in. I tend to use Saturdays as a treat day. Whether I lose or gain at the scales I tend to relax things a […]

Make exercise part of your healthy living plan
Exercise has always been part of my lifestyle although it’s somewhat sporadic at times, seeing that I am on a mission to turn my life around this year committing a little more time to exercising was high on my agenda. As of today I have challenged myself and you to completing 30 minutes of exercise […]

Start As You Mean To Carry On
Well with the start of a brand new year there is no time like the present to set yourself a few small goals to get to the big one. So I’m gonna start by setting myself a small goal of losing 7lbs by Valentines Day. Yes that’s like 6 weeks away but a slow steady […]

Change Your Behavioural Patterns To Lose Weight
Early this year I did a short course on behavioural patterns, what I learnt was that 80% of the decisions we make are based on past experiences. When we are confronted with a situation for the first time a new pattern is created, after we follow the pattern a number of times, it becomes habit […]

How Mobile Apps Can Help You Lose Weight
The majority of us never leave home without our mobile phones, it’s become such an important gadget in our lives, it’s hard to live without it. Your phone can now be used for a lot more than just making calls, you can take pictures, connect on social media sites, plus track and aid your weight […]

Cut Down On Fat For A Healthier Slimmer You
Recently there has been much debate around the subject of fat. Some argue that fat makes you fat and you should avoid it at all cost. Some follow a high fat diet, and believe fat is the answer to a healthy slim body. Whiles others, including myself believe that some fat (good fats) are necessary […]

Is This The Magic Weight Loss Drink You’ve Been Waiting For?
Every so often someone claims they have uncovered the magic weight loss formula, most times it comes in the form of a pill or some wacky dieting regime. Then eventually the dust settles and the weight piles back on, and the so call magic formula gets a slaughtering from the press and medical experts. Just […]

Why Does Chocolate Taste Better When You’re Dieting?
The phrase “guilty pleasures” couldn’t hold truer when it comes to a dieter indulging in a chocolate treat, or any forbidden non-dieting foods for that matter. The pleasure of eating something you know you shouldn’t is intensified just because you know it’s naughty, and chocolate is one if not the biggest sacrifice a dieter has […]

List Of Harmful Diets To Stay Clear Of In The New Year
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have no doubt seen the many celebrity-endorsed diets this year. Most had some underlying theory that is harder to swallow than the tapeworm diet, yes that was a real diet that emerged in the 20’s where you swallowed a pill containing a tapeworm that would eat all […]

How Dannii Dropped 98lbs After A health Scare And Regained Her Life
Realizing you can’t fit into your favourite jeans anymore, looking at your holiday pics in shock because of your size, being told that “we don’t make this dress in your size”, are just some of the triggers that set many of us on the path to lose weight, on the path for a healthier, happier […]

7 Weight Loss Tips For Christmas
We’re only still in November, but as usual Christmas is already on the agenda. It’s difficult to turn a corner without bumping into a Christmas tree or being snagged by sparkling tinfoil, every other song on the radio is a festive one. Like it or not, but the country has caught Christmas fever early once […]

A Soft Drink That Blocks Fat
Diet drinks are low in calories because they use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar, and calories are the enemy of dieters, so naturally dieters choose diet soft drinks over regular soft drinks, which does contain sugar, which equates to high calories. But there lies the problem, you choose diet drinks to quench your thirst, but […]

How Angie Beesley Overcame Yo Yo Dieting And Went On To Lose 4 Stone 10lb
The cruel cycle of Yo Yo dieting can be very depressing and demoralising. Losing weight is no easy task, but then to put it all back on again, to go from a high to a low, time after time is enough to make you just want to give up, throw in the towel and live […]

Weight Loss Tips To Help You Stay On Track During The Cold Season
This time of the year must be the hardest for anyone trying to lose weight, well it is for me anyway. All I want to do is snuggle up on the sofa with my duvet and a great big mug of thick, creamy hot chocolate and watch my favourite soaps, and if I’m honest, I […]

How Many Brits Are Dealing With Their Weight Problem
Alarming results revealed that more than half of Brits are trying to lose at least a stone in weight and a quarter of the adult population are trying to shift two stone. Seeing these figures didn’t came as too much of a shock, sadly. Still it got me thinking why, why are we so fat, […]

Will Watching The Biggest Loser Help You Lose Weight?
I don’t think I miss an episode of the Biggest Loser UK, I posted often about it on my Facebook page, you could say I was bit of a sucker for the reality TV show where participants took part in a weight loss contest that involved intense fitness training and dieting. I know I wasn’t […]

Get The Science Of Skinny
The Science Of Skinny is yet another dieting and weight loss book to hit the market. But what caught my attention about this book is that the author claims to have loss 100lbs and kept it off for 20 years after removing processed foods from her diet. The author Dee McCaffrey who is an organic […]

Do You Struggle To Eat Healthy At Work?
The workplace is one of those places where you can easily fall off your dieting plan, unless you are really good and make a healthy packed lunch everyday and then actually eat it, without being tempted by all the naughtiest that your work colleague’s so mindlessly wave in front in of your face without a […]

Why Carbohydrates Is Important In Your Diet
No sandwich for me thanks, I’ll have a salad instead, watching the waistline so trying to stay away from the carbs. This was a phrase I heard quite often when I ran a little sandwich bar I once owned. Carbohydrates has been deemed the evil culprit responsible for weight gain, and is believed by many […]

How To Enjoy Your Favourite Food Guilt Free And Lose Weight
We all have are favourite food, and I bet your favourite food is one that would easily pile on the pounds after just one night of dining. Is it a curry, is a pizza or is your favourite food the sweet kind, like a deliciously rich, moist, chocolate cake, am I close? I bet I’m […]

Nigella Lawson Lost Weight By Eating Doughnuts And Deep Fried Chocolate
There has been a lot of talk about Nigella Lawson of lately, about how stunning the 52-year old celebrity cook looks after having lost weight, and then there’s her new TV series on healthy cooking, which has gotten a lot of attention, especially from dieters looking to pick up the odd healthy cooking tip or […]

What To Eat To Have A Good Night’s Sleep And Lose Weight
A few months back I wrote a post that covered a study revealing that sleep can help you lose weight. It suggested that a rested mind makes better food choices and a tired mind goes straight for the fast food options. It all made logical sense to me, so I was more than happy to […]

#Tweet What You Eat
With the way technology is moving forward nowadays you can let the whole wide world know your every move, from your whereabouts right down to the food you put into your mouth. Anyone with a Twitter account will only be too familiar with the hash tag symbol #. The latest crazy #tweetwhatyoueat has been described […]

Eating An Apple A Day For A Healthy Heart
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, well believe it or not these words actually hold some truth. With the many different varieties available you can’t really get bored of eating apples, the sweet crisp juiciness Mmmmm. Apples are such a versatile fruit as you can eat it whole, chop it up and add […]

5 Habits That Will Help You Lose Weight
If you knew that by taking a certain action you would lose weight, how often would you do it? You would do it as often as you could right, or at least until you reach your weight loss goal, and because you would do it as often as you could, it would eventually become a […]

Betrayal, Depression and Cancer – Still Julie Mann Managed To Lose 6 Stone
Some people are just amazing, no matter how hard things get, no matter how much pain and disappointment they are subjected to, no matter what difficulties life throws at them, they always continue the fight to improve their life, their health and their happiness, and they never stop loving and caring for those who mean […]

Submit Your Story
[To read the current success stories, scroll down the page.] We all need inspiration from time to time, and what better way to get it than to hear the stories of those who have already made big leaps in their weight loss journeys. If you have reached a milestone in your weight loss journey, why […]

Can Red Wine Really Help You Lose Weight?
You so often hear that a glass of red wine once in a while is good for your health, it helps you live longer, increases your good (HDL) cholesterol, and a recent study showed that the antioxidants in red wine feeds some good bacteria in your digestive track, which in turn contributes to good health […]

Eat Nine Meals A Day To Improve Your Health And Lose Weight
The familiar eating routine for most is, wake up have breakfast, break midday and have lunch, then late afternoon or early evening have your last meal of the day, which is sometimes referred to as dinner, tea or supper, depending on your upbringing. Oh, and many of us like to enjoy a snack or two […]

Autumn Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight
So autumn has begun and what a pretty season it is, I love the colours of autumn, with the clear blue skies and the brownish, yellowish and reddish shades of leaves, that create scenes with rustic feels and fiery glows, and of course the cooler temperatures means that the selection of our fresh produce, changes […]

Superfoods You Can Easily Afford On A Budget
Many times when I speak to people about eating healthy, I often get “I’ll make a start next month, I’m a bit short on cash this month”. They believe that it’s too expensive to eat healthy and would rather continue eating low value processed foods in order to save on a few pennies. Okay, sure […]

Low Fat Foods Have Similar Or More Calories Than Standard Foods
When you’re at the supermarket doing your weekly shop, the last thing you want to do is read the nutritional value of every food item. So you rely on what the labelling says, if it says it’s low fat, light or lite, you take that as an indicator that, that particular food is ideal if […]

Exercise Less For More Weight Loss
You probably think the more you exercise the more weight you’re going to lose right, I mean after all that’s the common believe, we’ve been thought this for years. In theory this makes logical sense, but until it’s been tested, it’s only that – theory, and tested it has and there seem to be a […]

Healthy Eating Tips To Aid Your Weight Loss Journey
Understanding the health benefits certain foods offer, will make it easier for you to choose and identify healthy foods. Increasing your knowledge of food will increase your health. So today when I came across an article posted on News.com.au, listing an A-Z guide on healthy eating I thought I just had to share some of […]

How To Eat Less Junk Food By Focusing More On It
We all know that if we eat less off the junk and snack foods’ we’ll be a lot healthier and slimmer, right? Okay so if you know this, then what’s the problem? Let me guess you don’t have the willpower – am I right? When you’re so hungry and the closest food source is a […]

Have Fun Losing Weight And Win Money
You always do well at things you enjoy, when something is fun you look forward to doing it, there is no need to conjure up the willpower and strength to do, it’s more like “I can’t get enough”. When you’re having fun you don’t want to stop and you can’t wait to get started the […]

Your Questions On Fat Answered
Before starting a diet to lose weight you probably didn’t took much note of what you ate. Fruit and veg were considered healthy and fat was, well just that, fat. Now that you’ve started your weight loss journey, it probably hasn’t turn out to be as simple as you thought it would be. The complications […]

Fashion Models Use Extreme Dieting That Is Shocking
Fashion will kill you – This phrase couldn’t be truer for the models preparing themselves for the catwalk. Skinny pale and ill looking is the common look of today’s fashion models, and to fit that criteria, extreme dieting techniques are being used; so extreme I think you’ll be shock. Prepare yourself, because what you are […]

Tricks To Cheat-Proof Your Diet
When you are dieting to lose weight, you need to be focused, determent and disciplined, especially when you are surrounded with tempting foods that are bound to jeopardize your weight loss. Unfortunately this is a lot easier said than done. Life is full of unwanted surprises that can easily throw you off course, you can […]

Learn How To Weigh Yourself For More Accurate Results
How often do you step on the scales to check your weight? Do you do it after every meal? Do you do it all throughout the day? Do you do it every time you’ve treated yourself to a takeaway or a meal out? Or do you weigh yourself on all of the above-mentioned occasions? If […]

Foods To Avoid As A Midnight Snack
Do you sometimes have a midnight snack? Hey you’re only human, we all do sometimes, life would be rather boring if we were that strict on ourselves, and if you were that regimented you would most likely crack under the pressure at some stage, and end up throwing in the diet completely. So don’t be […]

How To Prevent Gaining Weight After Losing It
One morning you will wake up and say, “I did it I have reached my ideal weight”, you’ll look in the mirror and feel proud, sexy and very pleased at what you’ll see. All the hard work, persistence and sacrifices were well worth it, you’ll not only be looking fab, but you’ll be feeling a […]

Overcome The Weight Loss Plateau
Have you reached the point where the needle on the scales appears to be stuck? Or maybe you’re experiencing the yo yo effect, a pound off this week and a pound gain next week? Then maybe it’s time you have a closer look at your weight loss efforts, to see if there’s any changes you […]

How To Shed The Pounds While Cycling
Unless you choose an exercise that you enjoy, you’ll soon get bored and throw it in, and of course you already know that exercise is important if you want to lose weight. Now this might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but have you considered cycling? I for one am not that keen on cycling […]

Massage Can Help You Lose Weight
If you’ve experienced a good massage you know how relaxing and revitalising it can be, if you’ve had massage therapy you know how powerful it can be. An old friend of mine specialises in Shiatsu, which is a Japanese style Massage that focuses on applying pressure with fingers, palms and especially thumbs. I won’t go […]

Simple Breathing Exercise To Lose Weight
If you have been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I have covered many topics on losing weight, such as exercise, having the right mindset and of course healthy eating. But today I want to talk to you about a simple breathing exercise to lose weight. Yes, you did hear that right, […]

How To Overcome Your Weight Loss Excuses
We all have them “Weight loss excuses” that is, I can’t cook a healthy meal today I just don’t have the time; a microwave dinner will have to do. Oh my family is so unsupportive, how am I suppose to stick to a healthy diet, when all they do is eat trash all day long […]

The Starch Solution – New Weight Loss Book Thwart Paleo Diet
Yes another weight loss book titled the Starch Solution has hit the shelves, this one has been written by Dr. John McDougall a 12 times best seller on the subject of weight loss. What I can gather from my research is that the book is highly contradictive to the popular high protein diets such as […]

Olympian Star Tom Daley Lost Weight Before Taking Bronze
London Olympics 2012 has now come to an end, but what a show it was. I didn’t see as much as I would have liked to, but I did caught some spectacular moments. The opening and closing ceremonies were breath taking, and the athlete’s performances were nothing short of amazing, they were faster, stronger and […]

Can You Eat Sugar And Still Lose Weight?
Sugar, it’s so good and so bad! What is a sweet treat without it, we crave the stuff, we love it so much we reinvented it, and try to replace it with artificial alternatives, but who are we kidding, not ourselves, those fake sugars doesn’t come nowhere near the real deal. We eat it when […]

Three Reasons to End Restrictive Diets
You might lose weight slowly if you stick to a well balanced diet, but the chances of the weight staying off is a lot higher than if you choose a restrictive diet instead. High protein, low fat, high fat, low carb, I’m sure you’ve come across these diets a few times yourself, you might even […]

Burn More Calories To Lose Weight By Speeding Up Your Metabolism
If you are anything like I, in your youth you ate whatever you want, whenever you wanted with out any concern about gaining weight. Dieting, calories, metabolism, these were words that only fell into my vocabulary later on in life, as I got older I got fatter, now not a day go by without me […]

Can A Perfume Help You Lose Weight?
I am a true believer in healthy eating and exercise to lose weight and to live a full and healthy life. This approach just makes sense to me, and I’m guessing it makes sense to you too, after all it’s not rocket science, eat healthy and your body will show signs of appreciation, workout regularly […]

Foods That Make Your Skin Beautiful
There are many diets that advocate eating less or more of certain foods to lose weight. Eating less sugary foods and cutting down on saturated fat is good advice, removing carbohydrates or protein completely from your diet, not so good advice. Because of this approach to dieting, many diets will leave your body lacking those […]

Food Is More Important For Weight Loss Than Exercise
Food is a big part of anyone’s life, you are what you eat, I’m sure you’ve heard that many times before. You see I have always believe that if you want to lose weight and reach optimal health, you can achieve this by being food savvy. Sure exercise is important too, but you can skip […]

Only Eat When You Are Hungry Is Bad Dieting Advice
It is so often said amongst dieting communities to only eat when you are hungry, but to only eat when you are hungry is bad dieting advice. If you can recall the last time you were hungry, and I mean really hungry when you’re to the point that your stomach is speaking to you out […]

Culinary Intelligence – Lose Weight Without Sacrificing Pleasure
My other half is no chef far from it, he admits this himself, he refers to the food he cooks as being disjointed, there is no marriage between flavours and presentation is just flat, more like a paint by numbers than a Michelangelo master piece, but he does try, bless him. Though he might not […]

Will You Gain Weight By Eating Corn?
I love corn, especially corn on the cob and right now with the hot summer days looking very promising, BBQ’s will be a regular and a good BBQ is not complete with a tasty sweet corn on the cob. The question is however; will you gain weight by eating corn? Apparently the latest health buzz, […]

Sugary Drinks Changes Your Body Making It Harder To Lose Weight
Its not breaking news that sugary drinks make you fat, but did you know that sugary drinks changes your body, making it harder to lose weight. Yes you read that right, that fizzy beverage that you enjoy so much is not only piling on the pounds, but its permanently changing your body making it difficult […]

What Makes A Healthy Salad
It’s common believe that if it’s a salad it must be healthy, and if you choose salad over other food types you’re going to lose weight and not gain weight right, wrong. What are you saying a salad is not healthy? No, I’m saying depending on the type of salad you have you could be […]

How To Lose Weight And Keep it Off For Good
How disappointing it would be to reach your weight loss goal only to pile it all back on again. You worked really hard to lose the weight and it’s such a relief that you have reached your target, you now just want to take a break, after all you feel you deserve it. But what […]

Lose Weight By Indulging In Cake Bars
What a wonderful thought, eat cake and lose weight. I myself enjoy such things as cake and I know many of my followers do too, that’s why I’m always trying to come up with healthier, low fat versions of my favourite cakes. I try to make them as tasty as the full fat versions so […]

Lose Weight By Keeping Track Of How Much You Eat
I’m going to be really good today and stick to a sensible healthy eating plan, I need to start losing some weight, you say. So you start your day with a nice healthy breakfast, maybe some fruit and yoghurt. On your way to work you get stuck in traffic so you nibble on a chocolate […]

Does Cutting Food In Smaller Pieces Help You Lose Weight?
Obviously one of the main reasons for weight gain is eating too much of the wrong food or eating too much of any food, harsh but true. Too much is simply that… Too much! So with this in mind, it would make sense to eat less, wouldn’t it? This is commonsense, you know this, I […]

How To Stick To A Healthy Diet During Summer
Fingers cross we will actually get a summer this year, and when it comes we want to be prepared and not get distracted by all the summer delights, like barbecues, cold beer and ice creams, and prevent neglecting our dieting and weight loss efforts. After all most of us (me included) spend the best part […]

Boost Your Squat For Slimmer Thighs And Firmer Butt
It’s not just about losing weight, it’s about getting fit and healthy too, you want your body to be strong and toned, you want to look good and feel good. So eating healthy is only half of the formula to reaching optimal health. You need to workout too, and today where going to focus on […]

What Amount Of Salt And Sugar Should You Eat Each Day?
If you are anything like I, food just does not taste right without a little salt and you are a sucker for sweet stuff too. But what amount of salt and sugar should you eat each day? Great question, you constantly hear that you should limit your intake of salt and sugar, especially if you’re […]

You Need Fat To Live!
Fat! Automatically perceived as a dirty word. Say the word “Fat”, what’s the first image that comes to mind? Let me guess, whatever your perception of fat is, It’s not something you feel totally comfortable with, it makes you cringe, it’s greasy, it looks whitish, yellowish and blubberish, and it makes you feel uneasy. But […]

Why It Pays To Include Seafood In Your Diet
Not long ago I watched a documentary about all the different varieties of fish that are caught in the British seas, the sad thing was, most of that fish will never be available for sale here in the UK. Apparently there is no market for it, British people prefer cod, haddock, etc. So most of […]

Nutritionally Balanced Fast Foods Starting With Pizza
Coming soon to a store near you… nutritionally balanced fast foods. That’s right, a new pizza has been designed which incorporates the 4 main food groups which will keep it on a more healthier level compared to a regular pizza. After much research into convenience foods in Scottish supermarkets, Professor Mike Lean, Glasgow University chair […]

Brides Pile The Pounds Back On After Losing 4 Stone Or More
It has to be perfect, the perfect venue, the perfect dress, the perfect cake, are we forgetting anything? Oh yeah the perfect bride, after all when the wedding bells are ringing and she’s walking down the aisle, all eyes will be fixed on her and to create that perfect picture we need to have a […]

Can Eating Dessert With Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?
No I haven’t gone off the rails and I’m not trying to jeopardise your diet, and as strange as it might sound, but contrary to popular belief, a new weight lost study is claiming that a sweet desert after breakfast can actually help you lose weight and maintain your weight loss better. Yeah, my jaw […]

What Small Changes Can You Make To Lose Weight?
Making a change of any kind is always difficult, well for most of us anyway, like it or not but most of us are creatures of habit. We become comfortable in our environment and with our behaviours, it’s just the way we are, after all it would be pretty chaotic if we changed everything everyday. […]

Low Fat Foods That Are Not Healthy
We have been conditioned to believe that if a food is labelled low fat, it must be healthy. Therefore when you’re trying to lose weight, you select the food you eat wisely, choosing the low fat option over the full fat or regular options. But are you selecting wisely. Could it be true, could there […]

Is A Glass Of Red Wine Worth The Extra Calories
For many of us a good meal is not complete without a glass of wine, especially when it’s a sociable meal enjoyed with friends. But as we all are aware, wine or any alcoholic beverage for that matter comes with a good quantity of calories, not good if you’re trying to lose weight. But are […]

Can You Lose Weight Without Dieting?
When it comes to losing weight the majority of people thinks that dieting is the way forward, but is it possible that you can lose weight without dieting? Well, when you think about the bigger picture, with a few modifications anything is possible. I read this article earlier today on Hivehealthmedia.com about several ways of […]

Change Your Mindset If You Want To Lose Weight
It seems of lately I’ve been covering a lot of stories of how our mental state of mind correlates with our weight loss success. But I truly believe, after much research and feedback from real dieters and slimmers on my Facebook page, that the lack of continuous focus, and positive attitude is one if not the primary […]

Can Changing The Colour Of Your Plate Help You Lose Weight?
How often do you hear that small changes make’s big differences? So now the question is “can changing the colour of your plate help you lose weight?” Is this a small change that can make a big difference to your weight loss? Well according a study carried out by Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab, […]

The Headspace Diet – What You Need To Know!
Yes another diet book has made the headlines; this one’s called “The Headspace Diet”. Apparently we women think about food 200 times a day, and the objective of using the techniques in this book is to have you making better food choices, eating less, eating healthy and turning away those foods that are bad for […]

How To Lose Weight While Watching TV
I do love my soaps, I actually get quite annoyed when they push EastEnders aside for something like the Football… Sad I know, but most evenings I just like to chill for an hour or so and do nothing but watch a bit of telly. To be quite fair though, I think I watch very […]

Does Hypnosis Work For Weight Loss?
You want to lose weight, so you try diet after diet, but for some reason you can never stick to plan. You know the underlying principles to losing weight, eat less fatty foods, eat more healthy foods and burn the access calories with plenty of exercise. Most of us know this; the problem is not […]

How To Start Running To Lose Weight If You’re Out Of Shape
If I had a penny for every time I hear “running is the best way to lose weight”, I would be a very rich gal. The problem is running is a lot harder than you think, to run a decent distance that actually counts as exercise that results in weight loss, you need to be […]

Is Atkins Diet Bad For Your Heart?
I’ll have two of those lovely fat pork sausages (deep fried), three rashes of bacon with the crispy rind (fried), a generous portion of scrambled eggs cooked with full fat cream and butter, but hold the toast, I’m doing the Atkins diet. And you asked, “is Atkins diet bad for your heart?” I must confess […]

Can Walking Help You Lose Weight?
Can walking help you to lose weight? Well your probably thinking the same as me, it is a form of exercise and if your following a sensible diet and doing a moderate amount of walking it should help you to lose weight. But how about learning how to walk to lose weight? Yes you read […]

What Are The Best Foods For Weight Loss
Varying the foods we eat each day is important to a healthy diet, especially when it comes to loosing weight. All to often we find ourselves eating the same foods week after week purely because it becomes habit and also because many people are afraid of change. When trying to lose weight, what are the […]

How To Boost Your Metabolism To Lose Weight
Yes believe it or not, you can learn how to boost your metabolism to lose weight. If you’ve always assume that some people are just lucky because they have a high metabolism, you know the ones I’m talking about, those skinny people who can eat whatever they want and never put on any weight. Well […]

Go For A Walk In The Cold After Eating To Lose Weight
It’s seems like almost everyday there is a new solution to help you lose weight. Now scientist are saying go for a walk in the cold after eating to lose weight, yes I’m serious, I am not trying to play a prank on you, apparently the cold weather will activate brown fat which, supposedly is […]
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Hi, I'm Melanie but most people call me Mel! I love good tasting food, enjoy cooking and growing my own veg. Love the great outdoors and spending time with my family.