Lose Weight By Keeping Track Of How Much You Eat

Lose Weight By Keeping Track Of How Much You Eat

I’m going to be really good today and stick to a sensible healthy eating plan, I need to start losing some weight, you say. So you start your day with a nice healthy breakfast, maybe some fruit and yoghurt.

On your way to work you get stuck in traffic so you nibble on a chocolate bar because you’re bored, at work it’s your colleagues birthday and it would be rude not to have a slice of cake, you left your packed lunch in the car, so you grab something from the vending machine.

Your day continues like this, and by the end of it you can’t even remember all that you ate. The plan you had in the morning has gone out the window. If only you would have tracked everything you ate, kept it in a journal, at least then you would have been able to adjust future meals to accommodate for all those calories, but no, you have no idea of the damaged done.

Keeping track of what you eat can make a big difference to how much weight you lose, it puts you in control. Don’t believe me… Well it’s been researched, tested and proven.

Make A Big Difference To Your Weight Loss By Tracking What You Eat

Keeping a food journal

Keeping track of how much you eat by writing it down each day, rather than what you eat, is key for weight loss, a new U.S. study suggests.

The No. 1 piece of advice would be to keep a food journal to document every morsel that passes your lips and thereby help monitor daily calorie intake, concluded researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Wash.

“It is difficult to make changes to your diet when you are not paying close attention to what you are eating.” said lead investigator Anne McTiernan.

Participants in the study were given a printed booklet to record their food and beverage consumption, but a food journal doesn’t have to be fancy.

“Any notebook or pad of paper that is easily carried or an online program that can be accessed any time through a smart phone or tablet should work fine,” McTiernan said.

Other specific behaviours that support weight loss include not skipping meals and avoiding eating in restaurants – especially at lunch. Continue the article here.

I have struggled with my weight for a long time now, and staying committed to a healthy eating plan has been my downfall, it’s one of the reasons I started this blog, if I publicly expose all of my bad eating habits, shame and embarrassment would force me to eat healthy and stay on track, and it does work.

But believe it or not I do track what I eat, yes I do keep a food journal, and it does makes a big difference, I can easily see where and when I go wrong and it does make me feel more in control of my diet, to be honest I don’t think I would be able to diet without a journal.

Do you keep a journal or use some other method to track what you eat? If you do, then why not share what you do below so others can benefit.

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