How Angie Beesley Overcame Yo Yo Dieting And Went On To Lose 4 Stone 10lb

How Angie Beesley Overcame Yo Yo Dieting And Went On To Lose 4 Stone 10lb

The cruel cycle of Yo Yo dieting can be very depressing and demoralising. Losing weight is no easy task, but then to put it all back on again, to go from a high to a low, time after time is enough to make you just want to give up, throw in the towel and live with the weight. Is it really worth the constant struggle? Yes it is!

It’s worth every moment. To go from being uncomfortably overweight with your health at risk, to being slimmer, fitter and overall healthier with energy and confidence to spare. Now that’s got to be worth it.

Life is never always kind and it’s never always easy, but it can be what you choose for it to be. Angie Beesley is a prime example of this. After being overweight for a number of years, Angie had a wake up call, and realized that life would be better if she lost the weight. But it was a lot harder than she anticipated it to be, did she gave up? Oh no, she chose to lose weight and lose weight she did.

Here’s Angie’s story in her own words…

Angie Beesley Before & After Losing 4 stone 10lb

Basically, after having my first son at 16, I gained so much weight, I had my second son at 18, and by 21 was pregnant with number 3, at this point I just didn’t really care how I looked, I just got through each day, usually with stupid amounts of rubbish food. You name it, I ate it.

Then I lost my nan to cancer, and I remember a comment she made about my beautiful face being hidden by the excess weight.

I stood on the scales for the first time in years and was gob smacked to see the needles swing to almost 18 stone.

I tried on and off for a long time, weight watchers, slimming world, diet pills, only to end up having a “treat day” that lasted weeks instead of just the one-day.

One day something changed, I went to weight watchers and stuck at it and lost 2stone, fell off the wagon again, put a stone back on.

Long story short, a marriage break-up made me realise I needed to sort myself out!

But this time, I just ate nice, homemade, healthy food, exercised for the first time in years, and weigh myself in Boots once a week.

And here I am now! The photo is of me 18 months ago, and 2 days ago.
I didn’t actually realise the difference until I put them side-by-side, and now, seeing that has given me the drive to get to my target of 11 1/2 stone, I’m currently 13.4. Still a way to go, but I can do it, that photo shows that, and I can not wait to get to target, who knows, maybe even by my birthday in February!

My confidence has soared, I feel amazing inside and out, no longer the frumpy fatty (as I was called once on a night out by a group of lads.)

I don’t think people realise how hard it is, especially for yo yo dieters, you get so far then all of a sudden you are at square one again.

Thanks so much to Lose Weight Look Fab’s FB Page, as I said, just seeing your page pop up in my news feed, quotes and pictures really keep that motivation going!  xxxx

Oh, and also my good friend lost 8 stone, transforming herself before my eyes! Made me realise I could do it too.

Angie never gave up the fight to lose weight no matter how hard things got, and neither should you. If you want it you can have it too, take a leaf out of Angie’s book. Just remember, for most of us a weight gain once in a while is inevitable, dieters only need to look at a naughty treat and gain weight, and eh you’re only human, but the odd gain doesn’t mean game over.

The trick is to never give up, and get back on plan as soon as, and as Angie so kindly pointed out, the three secret ingredients are healthy eating plenty of exercise and a reason to lose weight.

If you have a story you would like to share, please submit it here.

And if you’ve been inspired by Angie’s story, why not give it a like or leave a comment for Angie below.

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