Just recently I wrote a post titled “I Need To Lose Weight For Summer” and now I’m giving you more tips for losing weight and getting beach body ready, you would think I have summer fever. I love summer, I mean who doesn’t, it’s like the world around you just changes to a beautiful, happy […]

Tips for Losing Weight And Getting Beach Body Ready

I Need To Lose Weight For Summer
The summer is only a stone throw away and you want to look good in some skimpy clothes, and why not? Why should you be wearing jeans and long t-shirts during these hot months? But you’re not happy with your weight and size and worried about how you’ll look. Before I continue I would just […]

Can You Lose Weight By Not Eating At Night?
Can you lose weight by not eating at night? Now I don’t mean eat healthy during the day and then soon as night falls, start fasting… No I mean can you eat whatever you want during the day, be it fattening junk food and the likes, and eat as much as you want until 5pm, […]

How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off With 3 Easy Tips
Losing weight is a struggle on its own but you hear all to often that maintaining it is even harder. Finding solutions to help you lose weight and keep it off will make your weight loss efforts that little bit more rewarding. After reading an interesting article on ABC news I thought that I would […]

Is Skipping Breakfast Bad For Weight Loss?
Losing weight is never easy, well it’s not for most people anyway, it’s a journey that requires dedication, persistence and will power, and sometimes the battle can feel overwhelming, especially when the weight just doesn’t seem to want to move. That’s when you start to ask questions like “is skipping breakfast bad for weight loss?” […]

Eating Five-A-Day Still A Struggle For Some
It’s surprising to know that a large number of people still struggle to fit in their five-a-day. When I look at my own diet and break down exactly how much fruit and vegetable I consume it’s easily close to half of my foods intake. Its not difficult to fit fruit and vegetable into your lifestyle […]

Diet Triggers Revealed
Does it make you cringe when you look back at that old photograph taken when you were last on holiday? Was it that picture that gave you the kick up the backside to get your act together and start dieting, or was it because someone asked if you were expecting and you were so embarrassed […]

Do Men Only Eat Healthy At Home To Keep The Peace?
A new study carried out has revealed that men only eat healthy at home to keep the peace. Once away from home they will fill themselves with junk. Now there was me thinking that my other half was happy and contented with the food I prepared LOL. Would you really eat what’s on your plate […]

How Long Do People Diet For?
For as long as I can remember I have been dieting, well it seems like forever. I have spent hundreds if not thousands on different dieting products and to be honest haven’t really had much success until now. So how long do people diet for? A recent survey has revealed that the Brits spend at […]

Can Strength Training Help You Lose Weight
Exercising alongside of eating a healthy diet will soon see the pounds starting to drop, but is there any particular form of exercise that is more effective at helping you to loose the pounds. Recently I have read quite a bit on strength training and how building more muscle will help burn more calories, so […]

How Quickly Is Food Converted Into Fat?
Do you ever wonder how quickly food is converted to fat? Research has shown that it happens in a very short space of time. You know sometimes when you have eaten more than needed and you sit uncomfortably for a while almost feeling the fat piling on… This is not you just thinking it, it […]

Kim Kardashian Ignores $5M Lawsuit and Launches Diet Pills In The UK
Why would anyone in their right mind with a $5M lawsuit hanging over their head carry on life as though nothing has happened? Regardless of the pending lawsuit against Kim Kardashian in the US she is still keen as ever to promote the Quick Trim diet pills to us here in the UK treating us […]

Study: Pregnant Women To Maintain A Healthy Diet
Its looks like pregnant women will no longer have the excuses of eating for two, studies have been carried out and have concluded that pilling on extra weight during pregnancy could lead to complications. The advice given out is for pregnant women to maintain a healthy diet.

Are Carbohydrates Important To Diet And Exercise?
Are carbohydrates important to diet and exercise? Now that is a good question, especially when you hear about so many diets restricting carbs for better weight loss. If you are exercising alongside of eating a sensible low fat diet, carbohydrates are important. It’s important to the body because the body needs carbohydrates as a source […]

Can Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight?
Can drinking water help you lose weight? If yes how much should you be drinking? You hear so many stories about the amounts of water you should be drinking, some say it should be 2 litres a day, others 8 glasses a day, at one stage I heard on a webinar a health guru telling […]

Foods That Help You Lose Weight
Eating more foods that help you lose weight will obviously see you reach your weight loss goal sooner. Now I’m not saying you should make your weight loss journey a speedy one… Oh no that is completely the opposite to what I believe, I think you should aim to lose a few pound each week, […]

Can Eggs Help You Lose Weight?
How do you like your eggs in the morning? Sorry, I just had to get that in there. Okay on a more serious note, can eggs help you lose weight? Well we’ve always been told that eggs are good for us, they are packed with vitamins and nutrients, in fact every vitamin except vitamin C […]

Recession Affects Healthy Eating Habits
With the raising cost of food, it’s no surprise that 1 in 5 Brits are finding it hard to sustain a healthy diet. Although some would argue, statistics show otherwise that the recession affects healthy eating habits. With a little imagination and planning there are ways to still follow a healthy diet with a tight […]

Are There Benefits From Varying Your Diet?
Do you find yourself eating the same foods over and over again; well you’re not alone. According to new research most British people do not vary their diet’s enough, and it mostly boils down to convenience. But what does that mean; do we just conveniently grab the same food time after time from the supermarket […]

How To Use Pinterest To Create Your Own Healthy Eating Plan
It’s probably obvious to those of you who follow me, that besides being fixed on losing weight and fitting into that size 12 dress by the end of 2012, I’m also bit of an Internet buff. So when I saw this article on how to use Pinterest to create your own healthy eating plan, I […]

Eat Healthy For Beautiful Skin And Hair
I rant on a lot about adopting a healthy eating regime to lose weight, not only because I believe it’s the most sensible approach to weight lost, meaning faddy diets are only quick fixes and not a long term solution. Once you learn and enjoy healthy eating it becomes part of your lifestyle and therefore […]

Foods That Help You Burn Fat Naturally
Trying to make the right food choices when dieting is so important when you’re expecting a good loss on the scales. Knowing a little more about the foods we eat and how the body breaks them down will help make the decisions a little easier. Obviously we know some foods are better than others but […]

Who Can Help Me Lose Weight?
Who can help me lose weight? I’m sure you already know the answer to that one, there is only one person who can help you lose weight and that is you! Yeah sorry to be harsh but its the truth. The sooner we realise this the easier the journey will be. When questioned about how […]

Regrets Over Losing Too Much Weight
Its takes a lot of dedication and will power for someone to lose 11 stone in weight so why is mother of 3 Kelly Childs having regrets over losing too much weight? If only I could shift my last 2 stone of weight I would be a happy women. Losing weight brings about so many […]

Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
The benefits of omega 3 fatty acids in our diet is important to our health, research in the 1970’s displayed reduction in triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure and atherosclerosis by researchers studying the Greenland Inuit Tribe. We hear it all to often that fish should be included as part of a healthy diet, and one […]

How Beyonce Knowles Lost Her Baby Weight
When falling pregnant, worrying about dieting is the last thing on most women’s mind, but the extra pounds don’t take long to pile on. Celebrity mums are all too well known for dropping the excess pounds following the birth of their new born babies in record time with a quick fix diet and long exercise […]

How Stress Stores Fat
Yes that’s right! Believe it or not but stress stores fat. When we want to lose weight and get fit, the two primary factors we concentrate on are our diet and exercise. If we want to be successful in our efforts and reach our goal, we need to find balance in our life and deal […]

Crisps Addict Lose Half His Body Weight
Do you enjoy a nice bag of crisps? I know I do on occasions, cheese and onion my all time favourite. But can you imagine working your way through 20 packs a day on top of 4 burgers, bacon, eggs, endless amounts of biscuits a loaf of bread and 2 litres of coke? I’m already […]

How To Start Dieting?
How to start dieting? What a great question, with so many people now over weight, I’m sure it’s a question often asked, and not only by those who are just getting started, but also by those who have tried and failed. So often you here of people failing at diets, they start with great intentions […]

Futuristic Diet Goggles Help You Lose Weight
As I pursue my quest to lose weight, I have read a number of articles on how the portion size of food will determine how much you actually eat. For example if you eat from a smaller plate, your portion sizes are smaller, so in theory you should eat less. Also if you are faced […]

Does Sleep Help Weight Loss?
I’m always on the look out for new tips that can help excel my weight loss efforts and the latest one, more sleep for better weight loss. So does sleep help with weight loss? Study’s revealed that getting a goods nights rest will result in you making better food choices, which will all contribute to […]

Slimming Worlds Greatest Loser 2012
Reading about other people’s success with weight loss is such an inspiration. It also gives you hope and makes you believe it can be done. As Winston Churchill said, “Never, never, never, never give up” This is so true… So many times in the past I have come so close to my goals but gave […]

How To Avoid Dieting Mistakes
Avoiding simple dieting mistake will help you achieve greater results in a shorter space of time. When you find a diet plan to suit you, you should read it through and understand exactly what it entails and fully understand how it works. Doing this before you start is how to avoid dieting mistakes. All to […]

Six Weeks To OMG
When trying to lose weight, we all know it’s down to months of healthy eating and exercise and with time we will get to our goals. But imagine being told that you could do it in six weeks by taking cold baths and drinking black coffee. Sounds like a diet to you? Just the thought […]

How Much Weight Can You Lose Hula Hooping?
Hula hooping, a simple playground exercise yet so effective, but how much weight can you lose hula hooping? With the growing trend in hula hooping we have seen the likes of celebrities like Beyonce and Kelly Brook turning to hula hoping in the bid to drop the pounds. But is it really that good, can […]

The Perfect Diet To Lose Weight
Is it possible to find the perfect diet to lose weight? With the growing trend in the weight loss industry you will no doubt find new diets popping up all the time, all claiming to be the perfect diet. So what would make a perfect diet for weight loss? One that includes all the major […]

Strategies To Avoid Sabotaging Your Diet
When embarking on a new diet we all set out with good intentions to achieve the best results. We read all the relevant information given to us regarding the diet, making sure we fully understand how it works. Understanding the rules of the diet and implementing it is two different things. Because if we don’t […]

Are Healthy Drinks Good For Your Health?
With the growing trend in the health food marketplace, one would assume that buying a healthy drink would be a good thing. But how much do we really know about these healthy drinks and are they good for your health? When dieting we consciously make the decision to have a diet drink. Diet drinks are […]

Taking Wedding Diets To The Extreme With Feeding Tubes
What can I say… This is totally insane!! Now I have really heard it all. For the perfect wedding day, brides are resorting to being fitted with feeding tubes in the bid to drop 20 pounds in 10 days.

How To Eat Healthy On A Budget And Lose Weight
Choosing to buy healthier foods can cost more then the average weekly shop and therefore leave many people contemplating the idea whether it’s worth it. This article will provide helpful tips on how to eat healthy on a budget and lose weight.

Can You Train Your Brain To Lose Weight?
Very Interesting question, can you train your brain to lose weight? Wouldn’t that make life so much easier when it comes to dieting? When trying to lose weight we know that it’s never a smooth flowing journey, there are so many hiccups along the way. But not to worry, according to Eileen Daspin, “The Manhattan […]

Body Shaping Tips For Women
Just imagine having the body you’ve always dreamt of. What price would you pay and how long do you think that would take to achieve? Fitness trainer Christina Howells claims to help you achieve you dream body in a matter of weeks, as she understands how the female body works. Lets find out more on […]

Food Revolution Day: Jamie Oliver’s New Quest
A man on a mission to create a healthier nation. Jamie Oliver’s latest campaign see him announcing the first ever World Wide Food Revolution Day on 19th May. Over the years we have seen Jamie grown from the Naked Chef into one who cares about the nation and how we feed ourselves. Only last month […]

Getting Shredded With Jillian Michaels (Part 4)
Its Saturday once again and I’m in a right happy mood, and that’s because I have lost 4lbs on the scales today… Woop Woop! Anyway what about Jillian Michaels 30 day shred? I’m still loving Jillian, truth is I think I’m addicted to her lol…But surely that’s a good addiction wouldn’t you say? Last week […]

Imogen Thomas Lose Weight With Slimsticks
The former Big Brother star, and Welsh model has shed the pounds with the help of Slimsticks, and in doing so has become the new face of the weight loss product. So what are Slimsticks? Quoted from Slimsticks website “Slimsticks is a natural weight-loss and weight-management aid that is proven to control your appetite and […]

Can A Gluten-Free Diet Work For Healthy Weight Loss?
Gluten-free diet… the latest growing trend in the weight loss industry, but can a gluten free diet work for healthy weight loss? The minute a celebrity talks diet the hype begins, Miley Cyrus has recently reported that her new leaner body is down to following a gluten free diet. Do people look into these diets […]

What Are Good Fats And Are They Good For You?
When dieting you automatically avoid fat, believing that eating fat will make you fat. Is this true? Far from it… There are many types of fats, good and bad so what is the difference? What are good fats and are they good for you? Eating the right kind of fat is essential to our diets; […]

Study: Do Fad Diets And Pills Work For Successful Weight Loss?
Do fads diets and pills work for successful weight loss? This is often a question asked by many fighting the constant battle of trying to lose weight. Finding quick fix solutions like taking pills or turning to the next faddy diet is not the answer if your looking for successful weight loss solutions. You will […]

How To Eat Out And Make Healthy Food Choices: 3 Tips
Depending on the type of diet your following, when it comes to eating out it can be a tough decision to make. Because restaurants don’t typically show nutritional food values, making the right healthy food choices whilst eating out can be hard. Eating out for most of us has become part of our social lives […]

Can You Lose Weight On Exercise Alone
We are always on the look out for easier methods of losing weight, and are all to well aware that for the best results in losing weight, we need to follow a healthy diet and incorporate some exercise too. Unfortunately some people find it hard to stick to a diet, possibly because they are trying […]

Getting Shredded With Jillian Michaels (Part 3)
Its that time of week again 30 Day Shred, and what can I say… I FEEL GOOD… My overall fitness is improving by the day. I’m still working my way through level 2 although I can proudly say that I have now advanced onto the harder moves, A step up from the modified version…Woop Woop! […]

Is It Possible For Food To Be More Addictive Than Drugs?
Dr Nora Volkow, the director of the National Institute Drug Abuse argues the fact that it is possible for food to be more addictive than drugs based on the proportion of obese Americans compared to those addicted to drugs. During a lecture at Rockefeller University Dr Volkow stated that if we understood the commonalties between […]

What is a caveman diet? The new healthy Eating Trend
When looking at old pictures of cavemen one thing is for certain, you will never see a fat person. Do you wonder why that is? What we do know is that they never had the convenience of picking up the telephone and ordering a take-away or filling the shopping trolley with processed foods. So what […]

Can Nuts Be Part Of A Healthy Diet?
I love nuts… the problem I have when eating nuts is the Pringle effect, once you pop you can’t stop. Although nuts are healthy and should form part of a healthy diet, can you lose weight while eating nuts? Because we know nuts are high in fat we tend to steer clear of them, but […]

Will You Eat Less Junk If Major Food Firms reduce Calories?
The bid to help tackle obesity in the UK has seen 17 companies including big brand names like Coca-cola, Tesco, Asda and Subway signing up to the Government scheme. The “calorie reduction pledge” developed by the Department of Health is part of the Public Health Responsibility Deal. The Department of Health has reported that England […]

Adele and boyfriend Turns Veggie To Shed The Pounds
So is it the pressure of the fashion industry, a recent health scare or a change of heart to Adele’s sudden diet and fitness regime? Following her success to fame Adele confidently spoke of how she was happy with her weight and didn’t want to be a skinny Minnie, so what’s changed now? Whatever her […]

Is Depression Linked To Fast Food?
We all know that consuming fast food is no good for our health, but now that fast food has been linked to depression its even more reason to stay clear of the stuff. For some of us food can become our friend when things get hard. You can get trapped with food, you eat to […]

Getting Shredded With Jillian Michaels (Part 2)
So another week has passed and I can truly say I’m getting addicted to Jillian Michael’s 30 day Shred! Never thought I would be saying that. You see in the pass my kids were my alarm clock, but this pass week I have been getting up before them just to make sure I fitted the 20 minute […]

Anne Hathaway Turns To Extreme Crash Dieting For Leading Role
How far would you go to land the leading role? Anne Hathaway has resorted to extreme crash dieting for her latest role Fantine in Les Miserables. The Devil wears Prada star has restricted her overall calorie intake to fewer than 500 a day, the recommended daily allowance is around 2,000. And that’s not the worst […]

Portion Control tips For Weight Loss
Did you know that tomorrow 30th March is the final day of national nutrition month? Well I didn’t realize that such a month existed until I started reading an article today. Nutrition is key to a healthy well balanced diet. If you are following a diet for weight loss its essential to follow some portion […]

Can Chocolate Make You Thin?
Now that’s a question chocolate lovers would like answered. I have always been a big fan of chocolate and have consumed more than my fair share over the years. The past 6 months or so I can honestly say that I have cut back on the amount of chocolate I eat, due to fears of […]

Four Minute Workout That Gets Results
Did you know that the Government’s recommendations for exercise each week should total 2.5 hours? Broken down over the course of the week we should be aiming for a half hour each day with a 2 day rest. Fitting exercise into our already busy lifestyles can be hard so when you hear about a four […]

6 Secret Superfoods Revealed
Secret superfoods… just the word secret makes you want to know more, well it had me curious. Yesterday I wrote an article on what are good super foods and had quite a good response to it, that’s why when I came across this video today I wanted to share it with you. For a while […]

What Are Good Super Foods?
It’s important to keep our diets varied, full of vital vitamins, minerals and all major food groups. We also hear about super foods and how they can benefit our health, but what are good super foods and how do they benefit our health? Super food is the term used to describe a particular food with […]

Diet Secrets of Catherine Tyldesley
Reading stories of other peoples weight loss is so inspirational. It gives me the courage knowing that its possible, especially when you see the before and after pictures. I came across this new article on Celebrity Catherine Tyldesley, who went from a size 22 to a size 10 and landed her dream role in Coronation […]

Getting Shredded with Jillian Michaels
Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred, one of the much talked about exercise DVD on the market today. About a month ago I decided to include exercise into my lifestyle and asked on my Facebook page what people were doing and what they would recommend, it seemed 30 day shred was the popular choice. I headed […]

Daily Exercise For Good Health
Many people see exercise as a chore, others makes it part of their everyday living. When trying to lose weight we know that exercise along with a controlled diet will see greater results. To lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise should be included on a daily basis, now I’m not saying 60 minutes in the gym […]

Can Stronger Smelling Foods Help Weight loss?
The next time you have a hot spicy curry observe the way you eat it, research has been published and revealed that stronger smelling foods help weight loss. You probably aren’t aware of it but eating spicy foods, you quite naturally take smaller bite sizes, which then lead to eating smaller portions.

To Lose Weight You Need To Eat!
It all sounds pretty simple really; to lose weight you need to eat. This can be quite confusing to some of us; I remember when I first heard that. For most of us who struggle with our weight, we program ourselves into believing that the less we eat, we automatically lose weight, right? Wrong! We […]

Advice From The Experts
Do You Want “FREE Weight Loss Advice” From 7 Of The Worlds Leading Experts In The Health And Fitness Industry? As part of the launch of “Lose Weight Look Fab” 7 leading experts in the health and fitness niche were interviewed. No matter if you’re just getting started to losing weight, or maintaining a healthy […]

About Lose Weight Look Fab
Melanie Wade started loseweightlookfab.com to provide support, tips and information for anyone looking to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. Melanie herself has been struggling with her weight for a number of years. She has now said enough is enough and is making it her mission to shed her unwanted weight, get fit, healthy […]
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Hi, I'm Melanie but most people call me Mel! I love good tasting food, enjoy cooking and growing my own veg. Love the great outdoors and spending time with my family.