It seems like we have only just finished the weekend and again its almost Friday. It’s the weekends that I find the hardest especially with having an early Saturday morning weight in. I tend to use Saturdays as a treat day.
Whether I lose or gain at the scales I tend to relax things a little just for the one day. I once listened in on a weight loss seminar, and what was interesting was them telling peeps to have one cheat meal a week, it tricks the body and therefore makes it work a little harder. Now if you do decide to do this you are doing so at your own risk lol.
So yes only 2 days till my weight in, and I’m not really sure how I’m feeling about it at the moment. I have been in my eyes, very good with the food decisions that I have made so far this week. Having gained a pound over the Christmas week I would like to see a little loss Saturday.
With the kids in bed last night I finally took the plunge and started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Boy those few Christmas treats and the weeks of not doing much exercise showed. I was a right sweaty mess with a face as bright as a beetroot. I pushed myself but not as hard as I could have, simply because I didn’t want to cause any injuries on my first day.
Waking up this morning I thought I was coming down with flu or some kinda bug because I was aching so bad like someone had beaten me, then I remembered ah! I had a beating from Jillian Michaels. It’s good to feel sore muscles cos I then know its working.
I really liked my food choices today, I had some porridge with blueberries and banana for breakfast, Lunch I made a roasted red pepper and butternut squash soup plus a smoked mackerel salad and a mandarin, I was feeling rather hungry. It must be the weather today because even though I have been drinking plenty of water I have been picking at blueberries most of the afternoon, oh and a handful of nuts.

Today’s Lunch, Smoked mackerel Salad
With weight in only a couple of days away, I thought I would limit my carbs especially as I had pasta for tea last night, so tonight I’m having scrambled eggs and balsamic glazed tomatoes on wholemeal toast, and fresh melon and blueberries with fat free natural yoghurt, if I’m still hungry.
So just wondering do you have a cheat day or cheat meal once a week or month, please tells me I’m not the only one. Would like to hear what you do after your weekly weigh in session so please leave your comments below x
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