Healthy Eating Tips To Aid Your Weight Loss Journey

Healthy Eating Tips To Aid Your Weight Loss Journey

Understanding the health benefits certain foods offer, will make it easier for you to choose and identify healthy foods. Increasing your knowledge of food will increase your health.

So today when I came across an article posted on, listing an A-Z guide on healthy eating I thought I just had to share some of the tips with you. I have taken some of the tips that I feel might be most beneficial to you and posted them below.

Tips On Healthy Eating So You Can Feel And Look Your Best

Brought to you by Bupa

– Alcohol in moderation

Having too much alcohol on a regular basis increases your risk of liver and heart disease as well as some cancers. Guidelines recommend that adults have no more than two standard drinks (200ml wine in total) a day. It may also help to have two alcohol-free days a week.

– Breakfast

Breakfast is essential as it kick-starts your metabolism. body+soul nutritionist Lisa Guy recommends one that combines wholegrains, protein and either fruit or veg, such as muesli with yoghurt and berries or eggs on wholegrain toast with baby spinach and grilled tomato.

– Calories versus kilojoules

They are both measuring the same thing – energy in food – but in different ways, says Bupa dietitian Gemma Cosgriff. There are approximately 4.18 kilojoules to a calorie. Online conversion tools are available at

– Eating around exercise

Eat some protein and healthy carbs within an hour after exercise and you’ll be helping your muscles to repair and recover from their workout, and giving your body some much-needed energy. A glass of low-fat milk and a piece of fruit is perfect.

– Fruit and veg

Eating more fruit and veg has multiple health benefits: you’re lowering your risk of chronic diseases, cancer and obesity. Aim for two pieces of fruit and five serves of veg a day. Not wanting to count serves? Fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables, Cosgriff says.

– Green drinks

Want to cut down on your caffeine? Try a green drink instead. Green tea, for example, contains much less caffeine than coffee and black tea. Or you can whip up a green smoothie made of green veg such as spinach, lettuce, celery and cucumber and one piece of fruit.

– H20

Water really is the perfect drink. For zero calories, water hydrates us, helps the body to function well and keeps bowels and kidneys in good working order. If you find water bland, try adding lemon or mint for flavour, or have a cup of non-caffeinated herbal tea.

– Know your portions

“Imagine your lunch or dinner plate as a circle – one half should be filled with vegetables, one quarter with protein and the other quarter with some form of carbs,” Cosgriff says. She adds that a serve of lean red meat should be no bigger or thicker than your palm.

– Low-fat animal products

Saturated fat clogs our arteries and raises our cholesterol levels, and dairy and meat are two of the main sources of it in our diets. Switching to low-fat dairy and lean meat massively reduces your intake, so make your next latte a skim.

– Mono- and poly-unsaturated fats

Reducing saturated fats is only half the fat story – you also want to replace them with healthy fats, which actually help lower your cholesterol. Opt for olive, sunflower and canola oils when cooking, and eat avocados, seeds and nuts regularly.

– Unprocessed foods

Whether you want to lose weight, protect your body or just have more energy, the key is to eat mostly unprocessed foods. They’re generally higher in nutrients and fibre and lower in salt, sugar and unhealthy fats. So make friends with your grocer, butcher, baker and fishmonger.

– Yo-yo dieting

This is when there are repeated losses and regains of body weight. It is not recommended, as it can raise the risk of diabetes and stroke and make the body more prone to infection. Experts agree it’s better to lose weight gradually over time.

To get the full A-Z guide of healthy eating – and you should, go here.

As you can see from this list, it’s a lot easier to eat healthy than most people think. You don’t have to have a degree in nutrition and you don’t have to know everything, you just need to know enough and you’ll be able to live a very healthy lifestyle, and of course having a passion and a desire to live a healthy life will also help and make things easier.

Do you have any great health tips? Then why not share them for everyone to benefit in the comments below, and if you thought this article was useful, why not give it a “Like”.

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