Tag Archives | healthy eating

Is A Chocolate Cake Healthier If Fruit Is Added?

Is A Chocolate Cake Healthier If Fruit Is Added?

If you’re given time to think about it, I’m sure you would work out that a slice of chocolate cake is not made healthier by adding fruit. The chocolate cake still has the same amount of calories, in fact you’ve increased the calorie count by adding the fruit. But your brain does not always work […]

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What is a caveman diet? The new healthy Eating Trend

What is a caveman diet? The new healthy Eating Trend

When looking at old pictures of cavemen one thing is for certain, you will never see a fat person. Do you wonder why that is? What we do know is that they never had the convenience of picking up the telephone and ordering a take-away or filling the shopping trolley with processed foods. So what […]

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6 Secret Superfoods Revealed

6 Secret Superfoods Revealed

Secret superfoods… just the word secret makes you want to know more, well it had me curious.  Yesterday I wrote an article on what are good super foods and had quite a good response to it, that’s why when I came across this video today I wanted to share it with you. For a while […]

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