Who Can Help Me Lose Weight?

Who Can Help Me Lose Weight?

Who can help me lose weight? I’m sure you already know the answer to that one, there is only one person who can help you lose weight and that is you! Yeah sorry to be harsh but its the truth. The sooner we realise this the easier the journey will be.

When questioned about how to lose weight, Charles Platin, Ph.D, Nutrition and public-health advocate and founder of DietDetective.com, said this is the advice he often gives… Taken from poughkeepsiejournal.com

You Can Help You Lose Weight

  • The desire for and commitment to weight loss must come from you. Friends and family are important sources of support, but not motivation.
  • Understand that YOU are responsible for you — and that it’s YOUR choice to be overweight or not. When you take responsibility for this concept, it not only feels wonderful, it means you have a greater chance of being able to manage your weight.
  • Responsibility simply means that you respond ably to those things in life that can stop you or set you back. When you act responsibly, you figure out what went wrong, determine how you can fix it, and even incorporate the setback into a well-thought-out plan of action. Accidents and strange things do happen, both lucky and unlucky. But you are solely responsible for how you respond and how you allow any event or person to shape you.
  • Avoid blaming others for your eating habits or weight issues. It can only work to your disadvantage. In the short term, blaming others may get you off the hook, but in the long term, it just doesn’t work. To change your patterns, you need to find out what motivated you to use blame, what benefit you get out of it, and consciously become accountable for your actions and feelings.
  • If you externalize blame, you attribute your problems to your gene pool, to another person or circumstance or event, often ignoring your own destructive behaviors. “My spouse is so critical and demanding — he makes me overeat.” When you internalize blame (blame yourself), you’re more likely to define yourself as hopeless or lost before you begin, thinking, for example, “I can’t control my eating, so why try?” Either style of blaming gets in the way of taking responsibility.
  • Successful weight loss isn’t possible unless you take the time to assess what’s tripped you up in the past and develop strategies for dealing with those situations. You must commit to planning and organizing your weight loss.
  • Making drastic or highly restrictive changes in your eating habits may help you to lose weight in the short run, but those restrictions can be hard to live with permanently. Similarly, your program of physical activity should be one you can sustain. Rethink your definition of “weight-loss success” to include an enjoyable, comfortably maintained and sensible eating program along with regular activity.
  • If you equate success with fast weight loss, you’ll have problems maintaining your weight. A “quick fix” attitude almost always backfires when it comes to weight maintenance. It’s smarter — and healthier — to set a series of smaller, achievable goals while you make new eating habits and activity patterns second nature.
  • Goal-planning is all about doing your research, plotting your course, making a step-by-step plan with deadlines, setting short-, mid- and long-term goals and putting your goals into an estimated overall time frame. The original article published here.

I hope after reading this it has motivated you and given you some great ideas in moving forward in your weight loss journey. I think Charles Platkin spoke with real honesty, I saw it as a reality check, something that I think we all need from time to time.

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